Terms of Service

This document explains our terms and conditions that apply to you as a member of the SiteMilk.com affiliate program.

1. Enrollment in the Site Milk Affiliate Program
After your affiliate registration form is submitted, we will review it and activate your account. We reserve the right to cancel your account for any reason if we deem your promotion methods a threat to our good name. If we suspect the sites you use involve unlawful, defamatory, obscene, harassing, or otherwise objectionable content, we may cancel your affiliate account in the best interest of Site Milk.

2. Utilizing Site Milk Links on Your Site
You may utilize any Site Milk graphic to link to our site. This includes cropped images or altered images! We want to help your promotions! Do not use spam to promote Site Milk in any way. Spam is illegal, and annoying. Just say no to spam and feel good about your promotion methods!

3. Revenue Share
We agree to pay you 25% of any hosting profits gained from your referred customers as tracked and dictated by us.

4. Revenue Share Payment
We are able to pay out via Paypal or Check at this time. There is no minimum for Paypal. Our check minimum is $25. We will be offering more payout options in the near future.

5. Your Website Responsibilities
Your website may not include any illegal content. Your website must abide by any laws that apply to it. We find positive and motivational sites have the best click through and ROI because they put users in a positive and confident mood. Keep this in mind when building your promotions. Seek to motivate, inspire, and create! These are the best ways to convey what we stand for at Site Milk!

6. Terms of this Agreement
The terms of this agreement become effective as soon as you submit your affiliate registration, and will remain active until either party cancels the agreement. You may cancel this agreement at any time by simply notifying us and removing all Site Milk material (including graphics) from your site. We may cancel your affiliate account at any time if for any reason we deem it in the best interest of Site Milk.

7. Modification
We may modify this agreement at any time. If we modify this agreement, you will be notified by e-mail and have the option of withdrawing from our affiliate program. That being said, we will do our best to keep you well informed of any affiliate changes. We pride ourselves on working with our affiliates so they are incredibly successful at marketing our services.

8. Relationship of Parties
You may not claim that you work for Site Milk on your website. This would be a liability issue for us. We encourage you to promote the Site Milk brand, but be sure to specify your relationship as a freelance online marketer or affiliate. In short, don’t say anything that will add to our liability, as that would upset us.

9. Limitation of Liability
We hereby declare we are not liable for anything that ever happens to you. Seriously now, we are not responsible for any indirect, special, or consequential damages, or any loss of revenue, profits, or data, arising in connection with this agreement or the Site Milk Affiliate Program.

10. Disclaimers
We are not liable for any server down-time. We do offer 24/7 server monitoring and instant support, but hardware failure is always possible and we can not be liable for such unforeseen circumstances.

11. Confidentiality
You must keep any information pertaining to Site Milk private if we deem it confidential at any time during this agreement. After the agreement ends, you must delete all confidential material. This includes any special agreements you enter with Site Milk to help promote Site Milk products. We agree to keep your information confidential. We will not sell it to any third party marketing companies. We do reserve the right to utilize your e-mail for updates of our future business endeavors, since they will mainly be related to making money with Site Milk and you will likely be very interested!

13. Indemnification
You agree you will not hold Site Milk accountable or liable for anything, including any damages you deem to ever incur as a result of working with Site Milk. We will strive to never make this an issue.

14. Other
You agree to abide by all laws governing Site Milk, as dictated by the United States and the State of Florida.

15. Binding Arbitration
You agree to binding arbitration for any disputes or claims that arise against Site Milk as a result of this affiliate program. You are responsible for any costs of the rendered arbitration.